Articole stiintifice:
- 3. Pătărău Toma, Petreuș Dorin, Etz Radu, Lázár Enikő – “Small Signal Induction Generator Model Connected in a Frequency-Droop Controlled Renewable Energy Microgrid”, 39th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology – ISSE2016, Pilsen, Czech Republic, MAY 18-22, 2016, pp. 157-158. DOI: 10.1109/ISSE.2016.7563208.
- 5. Petreus Dorin, Patarau Toma, Etz Radu, Lazar Eniko, “Supplying a Renewable Energy Single Phase Microgrid from a Biomass Generator Using a Three Phase Induction Machine”, 10th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering CPE-POWERENG2016, Bydgoszcz, Polonia, 29.06.2016 – 01.07.2016, pp. 208-213. DOI: 10.1109/CPE.2016.7544186.
- 6. S. Breban, M. Chirca, F. Maes, F. Boutoille, SC BMEnergy SRL, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, HEI Lille, Franţa, “Conversion of single phase induction motor to single-phase induction generator“, Conferința Națională de Acționări Electrice CNAE 2016 13-14 octombrie 2016, Cluj-Napoca.
- 7. Dan-Sebastian Filip, Dorin Petreus, “Simulation of an Inductive Coupled Power Transfer System“, The 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON2016). October 24-27, 2016, Florence, Italy.
- 8. Daniel Moga, Dorin Petreus, Nicoleta Stroia, “Web based solution for remote monitoring of an islanded microgrid“, The 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON2016). October 24-27, 2016, Florence, Italy.
- 9. Daniel Moga, Dorin Petreuș, Vlad Mureșan, Nicoleta Stroia, Gloria Cosovici, “Optimal generation scheduling in islanded microgrids“, IFAC and CIGRE/CIRED Workshop on Control of Transmission and Distribution Smart Grids (CTDSG’16), October 11-13, Prague, Czech Republic.
- 10. D. Petreus, T. Patarau, R. Truta, C. Orian and R. Etz, “Single-Phase Inverter for Solar Energy Conversion Controlled with DSpace DS1104“, 2016 IEEE 22nd International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME), 20-23 October, Oradea, Romania.
- 11. I. Ciocan, C. Farcas and A. Tulbure, “An Improved Method for the Electrical Parameters Identification of a Simplified PSpice Supercapacitor Model”, 2016 IEEE 22nd International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME), 20-23 October, Oradea, Romania.
- 12. Paula V. Unguresan, Raluca A. Porumb, Dorin Petreus, Adrian G. Pocola, Mugur C. Balan, “Study on the efficiency of solar energy conversion into heat, electricity and cold, by the use of building integrated elements in different climatic conditions”, Sustainable Solutions for Energy and Environment – EENVIRO 2016, 26-28 October 2016, Bucharest, Romania.
- 13. N.D. Trip, M.O. Neamtu, “DSP based interconnection circuit of the renewable energy sources to smart grid, General presentation”, 2016 IEEE 22nd International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging, SIITME, Oradea, 20-23 Oct. 2016, pp. 126-129.
- 14. M.O. Neamtu, N.D. Trip, “An Photovoltaic System Tester with Three-Phase Off-Grid Supply, Simulation testing with real-equivalent parameters or photovoltaic panels and electronic converter”, 2016 IEEE 22nd International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging, SIITME, Oradea, 20-23 Oct. 2016, pp. 191-194.
- 15. N.D. Trip, A. Schiop, “Considerations on efficiency increase for power electronic circuits that interconnect renewable energy sources to the grid”, 2016 12th International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications, ISETC, Timisoara, 27-28 Oct. 2016, pp. 243-246.
Rapoarte cercetare stiintifica doctorat:
- 1. Lazar Eniko “Dezvoltarea unei aplicații de management energetic într-o microrețea inteligentă”
- 2. Lazar Eniko “Dezvoltarea unei Aplicații de Proiectare și Optimizare a Sistemului Solar-Geotermal-Biomasă”
1 Lucrari de disertatie pe tema proiectului avand indrumatori membri ai proiectului:
Algoritm de optimizare al consumului de combustibil pentru generatoarele electrice diesel.
7 Lucrari de diploma pe tema proiectului avand indrumatori membri ai proiectului:
Battery State of Charge, Managementul energiei intr-o microretea – algoritmi de optimizare, Managementul energiei intr-o microretea – scenarii, Battery Modeling, Studiul supercondesatorilor in circuite hibride, Conversia energiei solare folosind un invertor monofazat controlat cu Dspace DS1104, Invertor solar monofazat controlat cu dSpace DS1104.